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A Collection of Thoughts
Date Completed: 12/20/20​
Client/Course: Topic - Digital Sound Design
Project Desc: The assignment for this project was to create an album with a minimum number of tracks and sound effects, complete with album art, program notes, and other documentation. I chose to make a sort of audiobook version of one of my previous writing compilations, called A Collection of Thoughts. The end result was a collection of narrated works, each with stereo audio and sound effects meant to immerse the listener in each of the stories. The works that made up the collection were deeply personal to me, and making them into an audible experience was a joy to do.
Issues Encountered: My album underwent several changes over the course of the semester; originally, I was going to make the soundtrack for Space Traders & Raiders - a game that I was working on at the time - but, it just didn’t feel personal enough. Once I had decided to convert my previous writings into tracks, there was the issue of which works to include, can they be shortened, do they need to be edited, etc. When it came time to actually produce the album, there were a number of issues in recording narration and the sound effects, as I was hardly alone during that time, and thus rarely had access to a completely quiet space.
Solution: All of my problems were solved through time and work. During every step of the process, I took my time, and carefully considered my options before going forward. If ever there was something I didn’t understand, I researched online until I did. If I was unhappy with certain aspects of my work, I changed them.
Skills: This project required a basic-to-intermediate level knowledge of audio recording, production, and software.
A Collection of Thoughts
Track 3 - The Undertow
Track 7 - It Is What It Is
00:00 / 04:42
00:00 / 04:43
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