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Royal Flush Bathroom Tissue

  • Date Completed: 11/16/20​
  • Client/Course: Adv. Digital Graphic Design - “Royal Flush Hygiene Products” (Mock Client)
  • Project Desc: The assignment for this project was to design new packaging for an existing product, or create packaging for a fake product. I chose to create my own bargain hygiene products brand, “Royal Flush”, which - aside from being a play on words - uses regal and playing card imagery. This particular design is for individually wrapped toilet paper rolls, complete with barcode, product number, product info., etc.
  • Issues Encountered: Much like my “BWF” project, the core of my issues came early on during the actual design process. I had a very tough time choosing what type of packaging I wanted to design, let alone the brand. Of course, if I’d chosen to redesign an existing product, this issue would’ve been avoided. Otherwise, though, the project went smoothly.
    Solution: After thoroughly researching cleaning products and their packaging, I arrived at toilet paper. Somewhere down the line, I had the idea to use clown or joker imagery, which led me to “Royale” and, eventually, “Royal Flush”. From there, everything fell into place - the crown over the main text, the card suit pattern repeating throughout, color palette, etc.
    Skills: This project required intermediate knowledge of Adobe Indesign and Illustrator. Adobe Illustrator was used to create the vector crown, the card suit pattern, and the recycling logo. InDesign, meanwhile, was used to properly lay out and format all of the information, text, images, etc.

Brazilian Wildlife Foundation

  • Project Title: Brazillian Wildlife Foundation Logo
    Date Completed: 9/28/20
  • Client/Course: Adv. Digital Graphic Design - “Brazillian Wildlife Foundation” (Mock Client)
  • Project Desc: (Assignment) Create a school team or non-profit organization, then design a logo that could be used in various types of media.
  • Issues Encountered: With so much creative freedom, I had trouble narrowing down which of the many designs I’d made. I had designs for a wide variety of organizations, like the “Australian Wildlife Foundation”, etc. each of which had their own animals.
  • Skills: This project required intermediate knowledge of Adobe Illustrator, and strong design intuition in regards to fonts.
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